
Lawsuit Abuse and The Leadership of Local Legislators to Fix It

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Lawsuit Abuse Threatens Rockford Regions Economy

Lawsuit abuse is hitting the Rockford area hard, adding an invisible “tort tax” of $1,858 per year for every resident. This growing burden on local families and businesses is stifling economic growth and job creation, as revealed in a new study by Citizens Against Lawsuit Abuse.

Rockford, long a thriving hub of industry and innovation, now finds its economy under siege from excessive litigation. According to the report, Illinois lost over $23 billion in economic output last year due to frivolous lawsuits, with more than 215,000 jobs disappearing across the state, including many in our local community.

State lawmakers recently passed legislation that makes it even harder for businesses to thrive. New laws have increased punitive damages and imposed stricter liabilities, pushing local employers to the brink and discouraging new investments in the area.

Yet, despite these setbacks, local leaders like Representative John Cabello and Senator Andrew Chesney continue to stand up for Rockford Regions’s small businesses. They are fighting in Springfield for reforms that could help restore balance to our civil justice system and protect the economic future of our region.

Our region's economic resilience depends on our ability to curb lawsuit abuse. We need a legal environment that fosters growth and innovation, not one that drives businesses away and makes life more expensive for everyone in our community.

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