Looking Back: Fathers Day in Roscoe and Rockton a century ago


Rockton Herald, June 28, 1923

From the Rockton Herald, June 28, 1923:

Small Boy: Lions have big appetites, haven't they, Daddy?

Father: Surely.

Small Boy: They'd be sure to go for the biggest piece of meat, wouldn't they?

Father: Certainly.

Small Boy: I'm not a bit afraid of lions while you're with me, Daddy.

- Passing Show

Last Saturday [in 1923] the 27th annual reunions of the Gleasman family was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Gleasman on the Rockton avenue road, near Rockford. Nearly 75 members of the Gleasman family were present. A picnic dinner was served at 1:30, after which a baseball game was played between the fathers and sons.

A union of the Roscoe Methodist and Congregational churches is being considered, officials of the two churches meeting and voting to consult with state officers of their denominations in regard to the proposal. The young people's societies have already made plans for holding joint meetings this summer.

A good cooling rain visited this vicinity Monday night that lowered the temperature considerably and broke the hot spell that has prevailing for the past 10 days.

Houston Tex. - A mob of 2,500 persons surrounding the county jail here finally dispersed when a band marched upon the scene playing, "Hail, Hail, the Gang's All Here."

The Methodists of northwestern Illinois will hold their annual camp meeting here August 9 -19, [1923] inclusive.

Next Wednesday is Fourth of July. No celebration will be held in the village this year.


"Captain, just a minute," persisted the man. "I've crossed the Atlantic a dozen times in weather worse than this but I was never seasick before. Can you account for it?"

"Yes," said the captain.

"What do you think it is, Captain?"

"Bad memory, sir ."

- Harpers Weekly

Last evening [in 1923] a large number of citizens met at the office of the American Tar Products Co. and organized the American Tar Products Athletic Association and officers were elected. Full particulars will be published next week. Meetings every Tuesday night. The base ball team will have a practice game next Sunday. No admission charged at this game.

Five Rockton people had a very narrow escape from serious injury last Thursday night on their return from attending the Eastern Star meeting at Roscoe. The accident occurred near the curve on the concrete road north of Roscoe.

America Will Ask New Pact Barring Air War on Cities

When the Senate meets again [in 1923] President Harding will submit to it a new treaty which is calculated to control wartime activities for aircraft.

This article was first published June 21, 2021.

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