
Opinion: Answers to Life's Pressing Questions - Who is God? Why am I Here? Do We Live on After Death?

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Would you be surprised to find out that life’s big questions, such as Why am I here? Do we live past death? Who really is God? Are all answered for us in written text… answers to these questions are answered in great detail, leaving a reader yearning to read more in a quest for self-discovery.

Dancing on a Stamp by Garnet Schulhauser outlines these questions in great detail, leaving the reader astonished by what our holy men have taught for centuries. Garnet explains his findings to the deeper meaning of humanity as revealed by his spirit guide, Albert, whom Garnet met one casual day in 2007 disguised as a homeless man. Albert used Garnet as a messenger through his books Dancing on a Stamp, Dancing Forever with Spirit, Dance of Heavenly Bliss, and Dance of Eternal Rapture. In each of Garnet’s books, Garnet tells of his trips to the Astral realm with Albert, who takes him on various escapades to enlighten humanity on various important messages. These messages include:

  • Who is God, and what happens when our physical bodies pass away
  • Humanities urgent need to get rid of our negative emotions and embrace love to one another, animals, and Mother Earth.
  • The truths about Heaven, Hell, and various religious figures in Earth’s history, including Jesus, Mohommad, Buddha, Aphrodite, and many more.
  • How Life Plans are the Foundation of what we experience in Our lifetime
  • What other life forms and planets exist in our universe

Additional highlights from Garnet’s books include

  • The truths behind the 1947 Roswell UFO incident, ETs, and Area 51.
  • The mystery behind the Bermuda triangle
  • The reasoning for the COVID-19 pandemic, as spoken from Gaia, Mother Earth’s consciousness.
  • Revelations from famous professionals, such as Robin Williams and Elvis Presley
  • Insight from Adolf Hitler and his reasonings for his negative conduct on humanity.

I encourage everyone to read Garnet’s book, Dancing on a Stamp, and his later books to better understand where we all fit in the grand scheme of things and to encourage love and compassion for all we meet. This knowledge is genuinely life-changing and will rid any reader of anxiety about the afterlife and our current day.

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