Whitman Post Elementary School principal presented with “Outstanding Principal Award”

Mrs. Megan Forsythe has been principal at Whitman Post for 10 years.

Whitman Post Elementary School principal presented with “Outstanding Principal Award”
Mrs. Megan Forsythe is the well deserved winner of the 2025 Golden Apple "Outstanding Principal." 

The Golden Apple Foundation presented their 2025 Outstanding Principal award to Whitman Post Elementary principal Mrs. Megan Forsythe on the morning of Wednesday, March 19, 2025 in a surprise presentation.

On March 14, Jennifer Stark of the Golden Apple Foundation revealed in a confidential email, "She will be onsite in a meeting with her superintendent and we've carefully coordinated the surprise for 9:30!" In 2009 Forsythe won another Golden Apple Award as a teacher at Prairie Hill School.

Before becoming principal ten years ago at Whitman Post Elementary School, Megan Forsythe taught middle school math at Willowbrook Middle School, and at Prairie Hill from 2003- 2015 .

She also taught at Cerro Gordo Middle School from 2002-2003.

"I had several waitress jobs throughout her high school and college years... This helped to prepare me for life," Forsythe said.

Forsythe studied at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, where she earned a bachelor of science in elementary education. She attended National Louis University where she earned a master of education in curriculum and instruction, and studied at Aurora University in educational leadership.

On the morning of the award, students, staff, teachers, members of the community, friends and family gathered to surprise Mrs. Forsythe in the gymnasium at Whitman Post Elementary School with golden colored balloons and a banner on a wall, “Outstanding Principal.”

Students waved golden colored flags with the words "For there is always light if we are brave enough to see it, if only we are brave enough to be it, Mrs. Forsythe,"

Prior to the big surprise, teacher Amy Meier warmed the students up as they practiced yelling out the words "Outstanding Principal," spelling out her last name, and clapping along to music while chanting, "Mrs. Forsythe rocks," and "We love you Mrs. Forsythe."

Then Forsythe entered the gym with superintendent Glen Terry to loud, booming cheers and applause. Students waved flags and pom poms. Others held up paddles with Forsythe's photo. Colorful confetti popped into the air.

Kyle Keith of Collins Aerospace, along with sponsor McDonald's Corporation, recognized Mrs. Forsythe as the 2025 “Outstanding Principal.” Keith is a Golden Apple Foundation Board member and volunteer in charge of programs.

Jennifer Stark and Kyle Keith of the Golden Apple Foundation presented the awards to Megan Forsythe.

Jennifer Stark, executive director of the Golden Apple Foundation, said, "Megan, we are so excited to celebrate with you today. Your dedication to your students and your staff show every single day as you grow this cognitive learning and growing environment here at Whitman Post Elementary."

Stark highlighted a few of Forsythe's accomplishments, saying they were too many to list.

  • "You have been the principal here at Whitman Post for the past 10 years.
  • "For the first time ever your school was named Exemplary School by the Illinois State Board of Education.
  • "Your school is in the top ten percent of all schools in Illinois. Your leadership and dedication to cultivating these lifelong learners and for helping your teachers feel empowered with the tools and skills to succeed.”

"Megan sets high standards for her staff," Stark said, "while supporting them through mentoring, coaching, and developing their skills all while caring for them not only as teachers but as individuals with their own needs and families."

Stark said Megan had many nominators, but she quoted one nominator as saying, “Megan sees everyone in her team at the school from custodians to teachers as an integral part of the opportunity as a school to make an impact on kids.”

“Megan's focus has always remained on the students. No matter how busy you are, every morning you greet students by name, and there are 500 students. Even when she ruptured her Achilles, that didn't stop her. You check in with your staff and students every morning.”

Megan celebrates student successes through programs like As Good as Gold, The Book of Success, The Real Tough Cookie incentives, and Posting with Pride. She stands behind positive student growth through Think Tank's. Students fill out a form to think through their decisions to make better choices in the future.

To reward students for successful Fun Runs, she has turned herself into a human sundae, kissed an alpaca, and camped out on the school roof with fellow principals.

“Your middle name should be fun, “Stark said.

Megan helped to create a district equity team, focusing on diversity and inclusion of students in the area schools.

Megan also is a fundraiser, leading to a new playground at her school in 2023. She has also fostered strong partnerships with the business community. She has been the administrative liaison of the PTO, working with parents to build that sense of safety and inclusion. Megan is also a Hononegah Booster.

Superintendent Glen Terry said a few words of support for Mrs. Forsythe. 

Then Superintendent Glen Terry spoke. He said, "What an honor it is to be here today. I had the privilege of 10 years ago hiring Megan and seeing how much she has grown as a leader, just tremendously between that time and now."

Terry continued, "Even at that time, you knew she had what it takes to be an incredible leader. She had a strong, committed vision of that culture for her students, her staff, for her families. She has gone above and beyond to give back. Hands down, in my career she is the best hire. This is an awesome day to celebrate. We know what kind of person we have - great job.”

Forsythe was presented with an award and a check for $1,000 from McDonald's Corporation to use at Whitman Post Elementary. Forsythe will also be recognized on April 25 at the Golden Apple Foundation banquet.

Megan said, “I am just waiting to wake up from this dream. It is very surreal.
This award is amazing but this award isn't mine. This award belongs to every single person sitting in this gymnasium today.

She added, "We have the most amazing third, fourth and fifth graders you will ever find anywhere else. Please know every one of you is important, you are loved, you belong here... You all lift me up even at times I didn't think it was possible. Thanks to all who have made a girls dreams come true. What an amazing thing to bring to our school.”

Another side of the room held and waved flags.

Then students praised Mrs. Forsythe with the words they practiced earlier that day.

“I am overwhelmed with gratitude to be surrounded by an incredible team and community who make it so easy for me to love what I do. Keep on shining, Rockton!” Forsythe said.