Surveying: Sundays at Macktown
Sun Aug 13 2:00 pm, Macktown Living History 2221 Freeport Rd Rockton IL, 61072

2 - 4 p.m.
Find out how surveying in America got started and how it shaped the development of our area. Take part in interactive action by studying maps and plats.
Historic buildings and settlement grounds will be open and everyone is welcome! A suggested donation of $5 helps to cover the cost of this and other future educational events.
Retired surveyor and researcher Don Sonneson will be in the Mack house. Items from his research and historic collection will be on display and he will offer a brief history of the early settlement.
Among the items on display will be early maps and records including an 1829 map of the ceded territory of southern Wisconsin and northern Illinois. D.A. Spaulding was the original surveyor of Winnebago County and a copy of his government contract with the accompanying field notes will be shown. Also an early (1840-1873) surveyor’s compass.
Parking is in the parking lot adjacent to the Visitor's Center. We ask that you register then walk to the Mack house. The surveying demonstration will take place nearby. If you have mobility issues, transportation will be provided for you. The Steven's building will also be open.