News Briefs 3/25/2024
In the news: Stucky Strong, Good Friday, cribbage, new coach, preparing for Memorial Day,

Melissa Stucky died Saturday night, Mar. 23, 2024 after battles with breast cancer beginning in 2018 and 2023. She was Kinnikinnick School District's speech pathologist, based at Ledgewood School, and a fitness coach. She leaves behind a daughter, Maggie, and a husband, Matt, who is head basketball coach at South Beloit High School. He said on Facebook, "I will post visitation and funeral arrangements when they become available." Our senior correspondent Jean Seegers is planning to write an obituary.
Old Stone Church has learned that Good Friday services will be held at the following local churches on Friday, Mar. 29, 2024:
- Roscoe United Methodist Church at 7 p.m., 10816 Main St, Roscoe, IL
- Prince of Peace Lutheran Church at 6:30 p.m., 2336 Freeport Rd, Rockton, IL
- Hope Evangelical Free Church at 6:30 p.m., 5656 Elevator Rd, Roscoe, IL
Josh Redieske has been named head varsity football coach at South Beloit High School.
Cribbage anyone? Some avid cribbage players in the Roscoe, Rockton area would like to start a Cribbage Club at the Roscoe Township Community Center, 5792 Elevator Road, in Roscoe, IL.
Players will meet weekly, on Tuesdays, 1 -3 p.m. starting Tuesday, April 9, 2024. There is no charge. Playing cards will be provided by the community center. Players should bring their own cribbage boards.
If interested, call Mary Ryan, Community Center Activity Center Director at the Roscoe Township office to sign up or for more information, 815-623-7323. Drop-ins will also be welcome to play.
Natalie Hahn, a Cinema and Media Arts major from Roscoe, IL, was named to Biola University's Dean's List for academic excellence. Biola is a 116 year old nationally ranked Christian university in Southern California.
If you have a loved one buried in any of the Roscoe Township Cemeteries (Roscoe, Pinnacle Hill, or Willowbrook), note that spring clean up begins on April 15, 2024. Also, if your loved one was a veteran, please contact Tracy Schoonover Terry before Memorial Day so she can make sure their name is on our list for their grave to be decorated with a flag. If the flag or flag holder placed on their gravesite disappears or is damaged anytime between Memorial Day and July 4, please contact her ASAP so it can be replaced.