Municipal agendas for South Beloit, Rockton, and Roscoe for Jan. 15-17
On the agenda: annual budget, property sale, land cleanup, master plan

The Village of Rockton is planning to sell its property at 53 W. Rockton Road, across the street from the former Goldie Floberg Center at 58 West Rockton Road, which the center donated to the Village of Rockton in June 2023. They are expected to approve a special events application for Yeti Fest (February 7-10) and a new floating dock from Rock River Enterprises & Barge, to be installed at the boat ramp. It would cost $24,623.
The City of South Beloit is planning to have Fehr Graham provide environmental consultant services for the brownfields cleanup project at 126 Shirland Avenue. Beloit's minor league baseball team has wanted to use the property for parking, which is south of their stadium. The land was formerly owned by Freeman Shoe and Lipman Refrigeration. The EPA defines a "brownfield site" as property "which may be complicated by the presence or potential presence of a hazardous substance, pollutant, or contaminant."
South Beloit's zoning board will hear testimony for or against to the request of Pearl Lake Beach to allow a Planned Unit Development for their RV resort, which includes vacation home rentals, recreation and swimming facilities. The meeting will be held Wednesday, Jan. 17, at 6 p.m. A planned use development allows a municipality to have a unique set of zoning rules for an entire development. The rules are suggested by the developer and must be approved by the municipality. Hilander Village, anchored by Schnuck's (formerly Hilander), is an example in Roscoe. Former Roscoe Village Administrator Scott Sanders has expressed some regret about how that planned use development was set up.
Under the guidance of new Village Administrator Josef Kurlinkus, the Village of Roscoe is expected to discuss and approve a tentative annual budget for fiscal year 2024. The public will be able to look it over before final approval. Trustees are also expected to approve a Class “D” (On Premise Beer & Wine) liquor license for Pietro’s Pizzeria, 5724 Elevator Road. At Tuesday's meeting, they will take final action to hire Place Foundry to help create a master plan for the development of a Main Street Roscoe and to pay $45,200 to Fehr Graham & Associates for additional engineering design services and construction management for the 2024 Residential Streets Program. The Village decided to make more street improvements in 2024 than originally planned. They also expect to pay Fehr Graham $5,000 to prepare a Department of Transportation (DOT) RAISE Grant application for the Village. The Village has chosen Civic Plus to provide Agenda and Meeting Management Essentials, which includes setup and and an annual subscription.