It's Time to Get REAL About Drugs - Seminar Series
Thu Jul 20 7:00 pm, Roscoe Community Center 4562 Hononegah Road Roscoe IL, 61073

FREE! (donations accepted) 3-part Seminar Series for Drug Education
May 11, part 1; Risks & Rudiments, Bev Pomering & Abbie Lee speak on the risks of both social use and prescription use of opioids.
June 8, part 2; Rescue & Recovery, Opioid education and Narcan training presentation will be given. The second half of the night will be, Learn from Life Experience, speakers that are walking the journey of recovery. Recovery vendors will have resources available.
July 20, part 3; Reality & Resources, Richard Wistocki & Nick Gore give their collaborative presentation of "How Do I Know" discussing the real dangers of social media with today's youth. There will be prevention vendors available for discussions.