Roscoe author writes The World’s Next Greatest Book


Author Alycia Dioneda Schneedle at the library with her new book.

Author Alycia Dioneda Schneedle loves to read. The Roscoe author calls herself a life-long bookworm. Now Alycia has written a children’s book that poses the question, “What would you do if there were no more books to read?” It is the story about Barry the Bookworm and The World’s Next Greatest Book, a magical story about Barry, and how he answered that important question.

The book is written for children four through six years old.

The book was published by Amplify Publishers and Mascot Kids. Juan Diaz contributed the vibrantly colored illustrations.

“I am an avid reader and an avid writer,” Alicia said. “To me, writing is an escape from hardship and grief.”

Alycia lost her mother in 2017. Her father, Kerry Dioneda, was killed in a motorcycle accident in 2021.

“Reading and writing books have helped me to heal.”

Once she learned the ins and outs of writing a book, Alicia began to write in earnest. She is dedicated to writing at least one hour every day.

Alycia grew up in Granite City, IL. She and her husband, Christopher and their three children moved in Roscoe a few years ago. “We love the area, the schools and the community of Roscoe.”

In addition to the children’s book, she writes poetry and is working on self-publishing a young adult novel she has titled “Night and Day Sister.”

“All of my books have problem situations and moral endings.”

The World’s Next Greatest Book will be released July 11, 2023, but it can be pre-ordered from her publisher Mascot Kids, as well as from, Barnes and and Books a She hopes her books will become available in area libraries as well.

“We need more kids who want to be an author and we need more stories to read.”

The World's Next Greatest Book by Alycia Schneedle
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