Kerry Dioneda loved family, music, motorcycles
A celebration of life and a benefit ride are planned in the coming weeks.

Kerry Mark Dioneda, 61, of Roscoe, passed away on Sunday, October 3, 2021 after a motorcycle accident.
The son of Dr. Francisco Basa Dioneda and Donna Marie (Ford) Dioneda of Granite City, IL. Kerry graduated from Granite City High School in 1978. Kerry worked at Verizon for 16 years, eventually becoming a manager of project managers. One of his recent projects involved recruiting and training for their home-based agent program. He had previous experience in financial services and funds transfers. He graduated from Southern Illinois University Edwardsville with a degree in Mass Communications/ Media Studies.
His grandchildren called him "Lolo" (Filipino for "grandfather). His Facebook page is full of pictures of them, other family members, backyard birds, rock concerts he attended (though he liked other kinds of music too), and his motorcyles (plural - though he enjoyed kayaking too.) On Facebook he wrote that Nov. 2, 2020 was "closing day on my new home. 'Go big or go home' ... so I went with big home." He noted that the home had two kitchens and 3.5 bathrooms.
Honquest Family Funeral Home says there will be a private family burial at a later date and is assisting with cremation rites. But many more are mourning Kerry's death besides family. On a GoFundMe page that has already surpassed $9,000 in donations, his daughters promise "a celebration of life in the coming weeks." Meanwhile, friends are holding a benefit and ride at Pig Iron Pub and Grub on Sunday, October 17, 2021 at 11:00 a.m.
He is survived by his daughters, Shanna (Dioneda) Martinez and Alycia Dioneda; his son-in-law, Chris Schneedle; and his grandchildren, Ayden Dioneda, Vallyn Martinez, Laila Martinez, Jacob Martinez, Kylah Schneedle, and Vayda Schneedle; as well as many loving family members and lifelong friends. He is preceded in death by his parents.
A Memorial Mass was held in his honor on Saturday, October 16, 2021 at 10 a.m. at Holy Family Catholic Church in Granite City, IL followed by a graveside burial at Calvary Catholic Cemetery in Edwardsville, IL.