Hononegah Cheerleading competes at Belvidere North on Saturday for a chance to return to state
Hononegah Cheerleading is looking to return to state on Saturday.

Saturday, January 28, 2023, the Hononegah Cheerleading team competes in the IHSA Competitive Cheerleading sectional at Belvidere North High School. The top five teams from the sectional will compete at the state finals Friday and Saturday, February 3-4, 2023.
Hononegah has qualified for the state finals seven times previously. They are trying to get back after having gone last year. The cheerleading team is coached by Dana Fincham.
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The Indians will compete in Large division against the following teams [PDF]:
Algonquin – Jacobs, Barrington, Carpentersville -Dundee-Crown, DeKalb, Elgin-Larkin, Gurnee-Warren, Hampshire, Harlem, McHenry, Rockford - Auburn, Rockford – Guilford, Round Lake, Waukegan, and Zion-Benton

Hononegah's performance will be at 5:42 pm at Belvidere North High School, 9393 Beloit Rd., Belvidere, IL 61008.
Thank you to the Hononegah Cheerleading Instagram page for the images used in the story.
Information for the story was provided by IHSA.org