Chief Jamie Evans is laid to rest
The funeral on December 18, 2023 was attended by many law enforcement and community members.

On December 18, 2023, Jamie N. Evan (Ray) Evans of South Beloit, Illinois was laid to rest. Jamie passed away on Friday, December 8, 2023, after a long battle with breast cancer. She was surrounded by her loving family.
Roscoe United Methodist Church was filled with mourners and a large contingency of police departments from area law enforcement. The ceremony began with the posting of the Colors, and words from Pastor Paul Meyers of Roscoe United Methodist Church. Meyers is the chaplain for the Roscoe Police Department and the Harlem-Roscoe Fire Department.
Jamie’s friend and officer Lisa Hodges sang “Go Rest High on that Mountain.”
Chaplain Cory Whitford, Executive Director of Rock River Chaplains Association, spoke of his respect, admiration and friendship with Jamie.
After the service, Honquest Family Funeral Homes in Roscoe, Illinois, led a large recessional of family, police, friends, and village officials through the village to their Loves Park, Illinois, location.
Jamie is survived by her husband, Brian, daughter Kaitlyn, parents, Jim and Linda Ray, and sister, Lori (Troy) Carlson.
Jamie became a member of the Roscoe Police Department in 1998. She advanced through the ranks and became the first female chief of police in Winnebago County.
She was appointed by Roscoe Village President Dave Krienke.
Jamie was loved and respected for her leadership and her dedication to the Roscoe community.
Under her leadership, the Roscoe Police Department earned accreditation through the Illinois Law Enforcement Accreditation Program. She was exceedingly proud of the accomplishment.
Jamie was passionately involved in mental health issues. She taught mental health first-aid to first responders in the Stateline area, helped with funding for the Tommy Corral Memorial Foundation and cancer awareness organizations.
She retired from the force, following a second diagnosis of breast cancer, April 8, 2023. After her retirement, she devoted her time to charity work and raising funds for the Tommy Corral Memorial Foundation and cancer awareness programs.

She fulfilled a long-time dream as a volunteer at BraveHeart Therapeutic Riding and Education Center in Poplar Grove, Illinois.