Roscoe VFW and Auxiliary members get creative
Each year Roscoe VFW Post 2955 come out winners in the Illinois Buddy Poppy Display competition.
Roscoe VFW Post 2955 veterans and Auxiliary members came out winners again this year in the annual Illinois Buddy Poppy Display competition in Springfield, IL.
Buddy Poppy displays feature bright red poppies, symbolizing the blood shed by all veterans serving in foreign wars. Each year Veterans of VFW and Auxiliaries from all over the United States create patriotic-themed poppy displays that are designed by members and carry a patriotic message.
The crepe paper flowers are made by disabled VFW members across the world.
Auxiliary member Cathy Suchoski has been coming up with ideas and creating award-winning displays for 20 years. This year, Suchoski, Pat Ward, Vicki Suchoski, and Michelle Van Schelvan spent over 30 hours building a meaningful tribute, using nearly 1,500 poppies. The theme of their exhibit was: Honor the Dead by Helping the Living.
At the same time, VFW member Bill Graves and Post 2955 Commander Rubin Hernandez were hard at work assembling a poppy exhibit featuring the Normandy Cemetery. Graves claimed it took them about 40 hours to complete.
The auxiliary finished second in the division B category competition, while the veterans finished third.
Each artistic display is graded on originality, neatness, composition and incorporating the poppy theme.
The Roscoe VFW Post 2955 members are involved in many community activities throughout the year including:
- Quarterly Blood Drives
- Honor Guard
- Memorial Day parade
- National Pearl Harbor Remembrance Day
- Thanksgiving and Christmas food drives
- Fall Festival participation in September.
- Saturday meat raffle
- A grant for school supplies for VFW and Auxiliary members’ children (this year, $40)
- Buddy Poppy fundraiser for veteran assistance.
- Scholarship program for VFW and Auxiliary members
- East Egg hunt
- Corn boil
- Stateline Chamber of Commerce Expo participation
- Veterans Day school program
- School activity sponsorship
- Sponsor softball and bowling
- Sponsorship for VFW members horseshoe league
- Red Shirt Friday (remembering our deployed soldiers)
- Veterans Relief Fund
- VFW Home for Children at Eaton Rapid, Michigan
- Support Vets Roll program
- St. Patrick’s Day dinner celebration
- Recognize past District Commanders and Auxiliary Presidents.