Roscoe History: This Week in... 1877: Vegetine!
May 1877: Animals not allowed to graze in the streets of Rockton, except milk cows.

ROCKTON HERALD, Rockton, Ills, Friday Morning, May 11, 1877
We are requested to say by the authority of the [Rockton] Village Council that the ordinance in relation to animals running at large will be Faithfully enforced. Milch cows are the only ones allowed to crop the grass in the streets and alleys.
Crazy Horse appeared at Camp Robinson, Neb., on the 6th, and surrendered to the Government. Several hundred rifles and over 1,700 ponies were taken in.
The Boston Globe, noticing the recent speech of Jeff Davis, in which he spoke of the Confederate cause as crushed but not destroyed, remarks that such twaddle is not in keeping with the professions of the south, and remarks further the "cause" is dead and buried, and the sooner Jeff Davis is at rest with it... the better for the country.
Wheeler-Sherman - May 2d, 1877, by Reverend I.H. Grant, at his residence in Roscoe, Mr. George A. Wheeler, of Caledonia, and Miss Edna L. Sherman of Manchester, all of Boone Co., Ills.
A correspondent wishes to know how to break a hen from eating your eggs. There is no effectual way and the best thing that can be done is to make a pot pie of the hen. - Iowa State Register
The sweet, timid grass is coming up through the gray landscape, and with the baby fingers of spring, is feeling for cow's teeth" - that is the way the New York Herald puts it.
It must be nice to be a Czar or a Sultan and have the ordinary people fight and get killed in your place.
The Black Hills are said to be rolling over full with men who haven't seen a dollar or a meal for a month, to say nothing of a change of linen.
"Insults," says a modern philosopher, "are like counterfeit money. We cannot hinder their being offered, but we are not compelled to take them."
The foolish man will ask a woman if her baby is not a trifle cross-eyed, but the wise man will take the [train] cars to Syracuse and make his enquiries by postcard. - Rome Sentinel
Col. S.S. Taylor of Cairo, Illinois has carried in his valise for many years, when traveling, a rope ladder and a thick pair of gloves. At the burning of the Southern Hotel at St. Louis, where he was a guest, the ladder and gloves saved his life.
Even a tramp has his advantages in life. He never runs the risk of burning up in a [luxury] hotel.