Municipal meetings in South Beloit, Rockton, and Roscoe begin September
This week, local governments will consider security purchases, special events, and grants.

Because of Labor Day, all three of our local government boards will meet Tuesday, Sept. 3, 2024. South Beloit usually meets on Mondays.
Issues before the Village of Roscoe Board of Trustees at 6:30 p.m.:
Village President Carol Gustafson will introduce and swear in Anthony Tirado as a Village of Roscoe Police officer.
The consent agenda, which contains routine items that can be approved in a single vote, includes:
- Approval of conference and travel expenses for Chief Hawley while attending New Chiefs of Police Orientation in East Peoria, IL.
- Approval of a Special Event Permit for the Stateline Disc Golf Association (SDGA) & Outta Bounds Disc Golf for a two-round tournament “Nightmare at Porter Park” to be held at Porter Park on November 2, 2024. This tournament has been held in Rockford for more than ten years.
- Approval of travel expenses for elected officials and staff attendance at the 2024 Illinois Municipal League Annual Conference on September 19-21, 2024 [estimated expenses of $1,400.00 per attendee].
Under new business, trustees will consider: - The purchase of three market huts from Country Barns not to exceed $5,319 ($1,773 each). Equipped with a sales window, they can be used at National Night Out, Trunk or Treat, the Winter Holiday Event, and even Fall Festival.
- The completion of road repairs on Deer Crossing by Norwest Construction, Inc. for $22,800
- An agreement with Place Foundry Design to provide design and owner's representative services for the construction of the Village's Main Street Business Incubator Project.
After the board meeting, the trustees will meet as the Committee of the Whole for preliminary discussion of Plat 2 of Glenwood Estates and purchasing equipment from Axon Enterprise for a newly hired police officer ($5,278.50).
Issues before the Village of Rockton Board of Trustees at 7 p.m.:
- Approval of the village-wide cybersecurity incident response plan with Garcea Technologies for $15,000. Other items the Village may purchase from them include network switches for Village and Police Department ($1,299.95), firewall for Main Location ($3,467.16) and a Lenovo laptop for the Mayor ($1,581.82).
- Borrowing funds from the Illinois Environmental Protection Agency’s Public Water Supply Loan Program and authorizing a loan agreement for water main installation; complete water service connections; well abandonment; and water meters
Before the trustee meeting, at 5 p.m., the Administration Committee will discuss several possible purchases, including:
- Christmas Walk Santa Hat Selfie Station - $2,126.80
- Downtown Rockton Fall Flags - $2,002
- Downtown Rockton Media Marketing for Small Business Saturday and Christmas Walk - $7,000
- Remote Office Project and Cradlepoint (RCN Technologies) - $4,622.41
They will also discuss a Village Administrator position and a draft of an Acceptable Use Policy.
Issues before the South Beloit City Council at 5 p.m.:
- Changing the zoning of 1403 Pate Plaza Dr. from Light Industrial to Commercial General and issuing a special use permit for the Mobil gas station already in existence there.
- Changing 541 Clark St. from two-family to single-family zoning.
- Amending Chapter 62, Offenses and Miscellaneous Provisions, Article VII, Weapons.
- Approving and accepting the 2023 Audit
- Approving a Hotel Motel Fund Tax Agreement with Rockford Area Convention & Visitors Bureau
- Committing a 50% match for an OSLAD Grant
- Approving a Forty-Fifth IEPA Loan Disbursement request for the new Wastewater Treatment Plant facility for $50,000.
- Approving a website design proposal with Revive Creative, LLC to create a website for the City of South Beloit
- Authorizing the write-off of old unpaid sewer balances
- Approving a grant agreements for the Law Enforcement Camera Grant and Organized Retail Crime Grant Program
- Approving the expenditures for the repaving of the parking lot at 529 Blackhawk Blvd
- Appointing a new member to the South Beloit Library Board