Love Your Mental Health, this Sunday at The Twisted Tulip

Discover how you can Love Your Mental Health at The Twisted Tulip.

Love Your Mental Health, this Sunday at The Twisted Tulip

In the movie, Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban, Albus Dumbledore says, "Happiness can be found even in the darkest of times, if one only remembers to turn on the light."

Sunday, August 7 2022 from 12-7 p.m. at The Twisted Tulip, a unique event for our area will be happening. The 1st year of this annual event is called Love Your Mental.  It’s a combination of fun, learning and education.

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Over 20 local businesses will be showcasing what they can offer to help you with mental health, everything from pet therapy to pampering yourself. Some vendors will have food for sampling, yoga classes will be taking place all day, and for those folks old enough, a small glass of wine will be available as well.

The event is sponsored by Love Your Mental, LLC. Owner Lesly Martinez says it's her goal for everyone to take one thing away with them from the event - even if it’s a reminder that cuddling with your pet can help. The event is charging a $2 entry fee, with all proceeds going to NAMI -National Alliance on Mental Illness.

Lesly began the idea of Love Your Mental, LLC when attending Rockford East High School. During her freshman year, tragedy hit close to home twice within six months.  First, her friend Sara Beth, with whom she was very close to growing up, took her own life. Just a few months later, her sister did the same. Lesly felt the calling to do more then just grieve. She thought. "What can I do?" and looked around the Rockford area for groups she could become a part of. When her search brought back very little, she decided to move forward with creating the LLC.

Love Your Mental Health LLC has a purpose:

  • To spread awareness and educate those who are not informed.
  • To start the conversations and keep them going.
  • To help educate and bring more resources together for the people of Northern IL and Southern WI.

Recent stats say that 1 in 20 adults or 14.2 million people are in need of mental health help.