Mrs Claus (June Nilsen) read Christmas stories to the little ones at the Roscoe Village Hall. Kids also had the opportunity to write letters to Santa and place them in the large, red mailbox.The Jones family were just one of many families that took the opportunity to have their picture taken with the big guy at Jim Blevins State Farm Insurance during Hometown Holiday.During the Hometown Holiday Christmas Celebration, Roscoe Middle School choir entertained the crowd at the soup supper held at Roscoe United Methodist Church, Saturday, December 9, 2023. In addition to Roscoe Middle School, singers from Willowbrook Middle School, Stephen Mack Middle School, and the Hononegah Community High School performed.Alaina carefully painted a ceramic Christmas ornament at the Harlem Roscoe Fire Department in Roscoe, The ornaments were created by Jill Rae Finally studio in Rockton, for the Hometown Holiday celebration in Roscoe. on Saturday, December 9. 2023. Down the hall, kids had fun playing games, drawing and eating popcorn and candy. Hot chocolate was available.A float depicting the Robert Cross historic home was one of several floats lighting the way along Main Street for the annual Hometown Holiday event, December 9. The house is located at the Roscoe Township building on Hononegah Road in Roscoe.