“Kick It For Vic” Cancer Benefit
Sat Apr 20 1:00 pm, South Beloit Businessman's Hall 525 Washington St. South Beloit IL, 61080

Starting at 1 p.m. you can enjoy chicken and biscuits, made by Mary's at $12 a plate while taking a chance on 50/50 or prize raffles such as a Blackstone Grill with a meat certificate, an iPad, a craft beer wagon, a black diamond ring, tickets to Old Settlers Days, 75 raffle baskets, and much more.
Vic Schoonover is a 1995 graduate of South Beloit High School and a 1999 graduate of Beloit College. He served two years in Americorps on the south side of Chicago.
Schoonover was diagnosed with stage 4 colon cancer at Christmastime which has metastasized to his liver. Following his diagnosis, he began chemotherapy which has been working to shrink the tumors.
Donations can be made out to Vic Schoonover Cancer Benefit at 830 Westerfield Way, South Beloit, IL 61080 c/o Clark Schoonover.