What to know about Roscoe trustee candidate Michael Dunn
Michael Dunn has served on the Roscoe Village Board for three terms.

Michael Dunn was elected to serve on the Roscoe Board of Trustees in 2019. He is running for re-election on April 4, 2023. “I have enjoyed being a trustee for four years. Before that, I was on the Police and Fire Commission Board for two years.”
“I am running again because I feel I have more to offer. I like to talk to people and help them with their problems. I want to help bring the community together.”
Mike said there are some issues and some problems that he would like to tackle. “I would like to see development increase along the I-90 corridor and Rockton Road. “
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He would also like to see more attention paid to Main Street Square. “Stores in that mall offer a variety of businesses. People just don’t know it’s there.”
Mike wants to change the dynamics of the board. “I don’t think the board should be dominated by one or two people. “There has been too much division. We need to vote on the issue, not along party lines.”
“I am all for growth people-wise and business-wise. I think we have enough slot machines in the village. I don’t think we need to issue any more licenses.”
Mike and his wife Charlene came to Roscoe from Oklahoma. He has since retired. Mike suffered a major heart attack last summer. He is now recovered and involved with board issues and the community.