Village of Rockton votes to amend garbage ordinance, raises video gaming terminal fees
“This is the most embarrassing ordinance that we have ever had to pass."

Rockton Village trustees voted at the August 2 meeting to pass an ordinance amending a specific section of the village code regarding garbage. “This is the most embarrassing ordinance that we have ever had to pass, having to tell people to put lids on garbage cans,” Village President John Peterson said.
This action was prompted by a neighborhood fight over issues with garbage. “Our Village Attorney suggested tightening our language for enforcement in this matter,” said Planning and Development Administrator and Code Enforcement Officer Tricia Diduch.
“As always, code enforcement remains primarily complaint-driven. Should other situations arise regarding garbage cans, this change gives the Village better leverage for mitigating the issue.”
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Diduch added, “Overall, 99% of the village residents do not have an issue storing their garbage in a manner that doesn't become a nuisance to surrounding neighbors or property owners.”
Amending video gaming fees was another item of interest. Peterson said that the State of Illinois has raised the maximum rate that municipalities can charge for video gaming terminal licenses each year - to $250 per terminal, up from $25. So the trustees passed a motion to raise the rate in Rockton to $250.
Trustee Justin York gave the most recent police summary. The Rockton Police made seventy-two stops, gave 40 warnings, and issued 32 tickets. There were nine criminal arrests and three accidents, with no injuries.
Other police business included approval of requisitions to allow three new police vehicles to be purchased. One is a 2022 Dodge Durango (at a cost of $37,824.90), another is a 2022 Chevrolet Colorado ($21,000), and a 2022 Dodge Charger ($22,300. 45).
“These cars would be placeholders on order,” Rockton Police Chief Matt Hollinger said. Trustee Jodi May asked if they are in this year's budget. Hollinger replied, “We expect to purchase these in June of 2023. We will be selling a Tahoe right away.” This request passed in a 5-0 vote.
The board passed a resolution to develop a services agreement with Flock Group, Inc. which manufactures automotive safety equipment. They provide cameras that read vehicle license plates, fast and easy footage access, and crime-solving cameras.
Amanda McMahon was appointed to the Police Pension Board. She will replace Ron Montgomery in this position.
Trustees gave approval to purchase two slide gates for the sewer plant at a cost of $16,576.
They also granted easements for Rock Energy's gas division to provide a new high pressure gas main. Public Works Director Dan Barber said, “The new main will run from Old River Road to Route 2, then connect with the school property in that area."
A special events application was approved for the Blues and BBQ fundraiser. This popular event is returning on Sunday, Sept. 4 from 12 noon - 3 p.m. The action is taking place in Settlers Park: three hours of fun, which includes music by Mix Tape, lots of food and beverages, a K-9 police dog demonstration, a bean bag tournament, silent auction and a 50/50 raffle, a children's bounce house, and face painting. Additionally, there will be a military vehicle display. Rockton Police Association puts on this fun event, with something for the entire family each year. Residents say it is the perfect way to become better acquainted with the Rockton Police Department.
The Rockton Police Association is a 501(c)3 organization. All proceeds from Blues and BBQ will be used to benefit the community. One example is the Jaimie Cox Memorial Scholarship.