Village of Rockton moving forward on improvement projects
Rockton limited bar/slots licenses to three and approved outdoor seating for one pub.

Rockton Public Works Director Dan Barber says that Salem Street in Rockton is in the beginning stages of a much needed improvement project. First to be completed is the replacement of a water main running from Union to Main Street, west of Hononegah High School, stopping at Mechanic Street.
“An all-new water main is needed due to the deteriorated condition of the water pipes; the water main has had multiple breaks in it,” Barber told Rockton-Roscoe News.
Future work on Salem Street will include curb work, adding ADA accessibility to sidewalks, and resurfacing of the road. The entire project is expected to be completed no later than Aug. 18, 2022.
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A low bid of $417,340.72 was approved for construction to be done by Northern Illinois Services Company on the Salem Street project.
Another area that is receiving improvements is the Public Works parking lot. S&J Sealcoating will fill cracks and sealcoat the Public Works parking lot at a cost of $21,996.46.
Trustees approved a special use permit for Ye Olde Pub allowing them to have outdoor seating as part of the Commercial Retail district. The seating will fit a 10' x 25' area. It will be placed behind the rear entrance of the pub. It can be open from May 1 until Nov. 1.
Before this was presented to the village board, it was approved by a majority of the Zoning Board of Appeals.
An ordinance has met approval to amend various provisions of the Village's code regarding adult-use cannabis.
The Village Board has amended and redeveloped an ordinance limiting bar boutique liquor licenses. This ordinance applies to businesses featuring slot machines.
“We are going to stay with a limit of three,” Village President John Peterson said. At a previous meeting, trustees discussed options for gaming types of businesses as a new application came in.
Currently Pokie's Cafe and Video Gaming holds a bar boutique licenses, as well as Lucky Dogs, which is said to be temporarily closed. Recently the Village Board approved the addition of Salli's Slots, LLC.
The board voted to appoint an authorized agent to the Illinois Municipal Retirement fund.
Approval was given amending a water service ordinance regarding water meters.
Macktown Construction will be replacing doors at well #7 at the sewer plant at a cost of $13,941.01.
Computer equipment, software and security measures will be added to specific sectors of the village.
The Walt Williamson Pool's boiler heater is being repaired at a cost of $2,080.
Village President John Peterson thanked the police department and Public Works for the excellent help they provided during the Old Settlers Days festival. “We had zero arrests at the festival this year.”
Trustee Justin York reported that Rockton's police department handled 110 traffic stops, gave out 57 warnings, issued 53 tickets, and were dispatched to three accidents, one with injuries. Police made eight criminal arrests.