Strong spirits: are you wonder-full?
"If you could understand a single grain of wheat, you would die of wonder."
We say it is a wonderful season... but is it full of wonder? What fills you with wonder? What overwhelms you with awe?
On the one hand, every single day and every ordinary object or person is so filled with unrealized wonder that we would be overwhelmed if we could but probe it.
Martin Luther wrote, "If you could understand a single grain of wheat, you would die of wonder." C. S. Lewis wrote, "You have never met a mere mortal."Einstein wrote: "Either all of life is miracle, or none of it is."
And of course the Bible is full of wonder and miracle and awe. From Old Testament to New, the evidence for God is in the incomprehensible and majestic, as well as the simple, profound and amazing. Moses, the prophets, Jesus, the apostles- all miracle working and wonder filled.
To grasp the wonder all around us, and the wonder of who God is, and the wonder of who he has made us to be, requires time. Means our eyes and our hearts must be open. Means we must let go of the tendency to see things and people as "ordinary." Means we must become like little children, as Jesus says we must.
Don't be satisfied with dull religion. Don't be content with following rules. Accept the invitation God offers to live life fully, joyfully, wonder-fully.
Are you filled with wonder?
Gary Schwerin serves as pastor at Caledonia Congregational Church. He is also the Spiritual Development Minister for the YMCA of the Rock River Valley and Executive Director of Bridge Ministries of Rockford. Prior to launching Bridge Ministries, Gary spent many years in leadership with Young Life. His columns appear here every Sunday - subscribe to our daily email so you don't miss any.