Strong spirits: anger!

Don't allow your anger to hold you captive or steal your joy. 

Strong spirits: anger!
Photo: Organization for World Peace

Do you ever get angry?  Of course!  We all do.  Is that wrong?  No, but it can be a problem depending on what we do with it.  Some questions: how easily do you get angry?  How long do you stay angry?  Are you able to get beyond it?

  • The apostle Paul writes:  "In your anger do not sin.  Do not let the sun go down while you are still angry." (Ephesians 4:26) 
  • King David writes:  "...the LORD is slow to anger, abounding in love." (Psalm 103:8). 
  • Paul again: "Love... is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs." (1 Corinthians 13:5).

God gets angry at evil and injustice.  Jesus got angry.  We all do.  And sometimes our anger needs deep prayer and counsel.  That said, Jesus offers us the ultimate antidote:  his love, the most powerful force in the universe.

Don't allow your anger to hold you captive or steal your joy.  Ask God to fill you with his love, and to set you free!

Besides serving as pastor at Caledonia Congregational ChurchGary Schwerin is the Spiritual Development Minister for the YMCA of the Rock River Valley and Executive Director of Bridge Ministries of Rockford. Prior to launching Bridge Ministries, Gary spent many years in leadership with Young Life. His columns appear here every Sunday - to see them all, subscribe to our daily email.