Roscoe library story time pauses, Summer Reading Club coming soon
The Mini Story Time at the NSLD/Roscoe library will resume in June 2024.

The Mini Story Time program for toddlers and children 3 to 5 years old at the North Suburban Library District in Roscoe will be taking a break during the month of May and resuming in June 2024.

At the Thursday, April 24, 2024 program, dozens of moms, dads and grandparents listened as Debbie Nelson, children’s librarian at the NSLD/Roscoe library, read several flower and gardening-themed books, followed by craft activities.
- Help celebrate Children’s Book Week on Wednesday, May 8, at 10 a.m. Join NSLD for a special Eric Carle-themed story time, featuring stories, singing songs and making a craft.
- The annual Summer Reading Club, May 28 -July 20. 2024 - Read, Renew, Repeat Programs for children, teens and adults - will be available at both the Roscoe and Loves Park locations.
- Watch the NSLD Facebook page for more details.