Rockton Village approves special use permit for new cosmetic tattoo parlor
The cosmetic tattoo parlor on S. Blackhawk Blvd. could open this spring.

Rockton Village Trustees approved a special use permit for a new cosmetic tattoo parlor. Business owner and petitioner Michelle Grin of “About Face” will be renovating property at 112 S. Blackhawk Blvd, in Rockton. Formerly the home of Jennings Construction, the property sits in the Commercial Retail Zoning District and is owned by Todd Elliott.
Prior to a unanimous vote of support by the village board, the Zoning Board of Appeals had approved the application with four Yes votes, with two members absent.
The business owners promised continued compliance with all appropriate permits from the State of Illinois and Winnebago County, including the State of Illinois Department of Public Health and Winnebago County Health Department.
Cosmetic tattooing and permanent makeup services will performed by an esthetician. Grin said that after work on the building is completed, they will hold a ribbon cutting. She estimates the business will be open sometime this spring.
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Trustee Jodi May reported the Rockton Police made 132 traffic stops, gave 77 warnings, issued 55 tickets, made seven criminal arrests, and reported 10 traffic accidents; one with injuries and one involving a deer.
Deputy Chief of Police Matt Hollinger lauded life-saving efforts of Patrol Officers Scott Brooks and Officer Jason Newell. An armed guard at Walmart in Roscoe was in need of help and both officers jumped into action, taking life saving measures. “This is the first time that officers had to break into an armed vehicle by using a special piece of equipment," Hollinger said.
Trustees approved the purchase requisition for Stateline Technologies for computer upgrades in the police department. In a 6-0 vote Trustees approved this at a cost of $2, 412.
Trustee Justin York proposed having a meeting on Feb. 18 regarding the Cyber Infrastructure Survey through CISA (Cyber Information Security Agency). He asked who would attend the meeting. Village President John Peterson asked if Attorney Aaron Szeto should be at the meeting. It was stated that department heads should be there to discuss what the village needs from the company. A question arose as to whether or not the tech guy might be needed at the meeting.
“I have had the subject included on some official village meetings to provide explanations of services available to our municipality and to validate some consensus on moving forward. However, there have been no public meetings specifically designated to CISA only," York said.
Separately, York has personally met with CISA on his own to inquire what services the federal agency can provide to Rockton.
Trustees agreed this meeting with CISA would include Village President John Peterson and York, with no other trustees, but department heads are expected to be invited.
“We are still working out scheduling for all required members," York said.
“I think it’s important to note that while we may discover actions that could have an expense to address, there is not a cost attributed to these assessments themselves. We are not paying this federal agency to perform the services that I am seeking," York adds.