Rockton Township Board considers changes in cemetery maintenance and employee rules
The contract with Executive Lawn Services would renew in April.

First on the agenda at the Jan. 12 Rockton Township Board meeting: looking into the possibility of the Highway Department taking over maintenance on the Rockton Township Cemetery grounds. Currently Rockton Township has a contract with Executive Lawn Services.
Trustee Randy Johnson asked what the cost might be if Highway Commissioner Trenton Keyhoe takes over these duties, possibly with another person to work with him. If so, the Township would have Executive Lawn Services show the new workers what needs to be done.
Renewing the current contract for another year was proposed.
Trustee Connie Gleasman strongly suggested that the Township stay with Executive Lawn Services. “We should wait a year to put things in place; we would have a year to work on the process,” Gleasman said.
Township Attorney Doug Henry had formerly advised that no intergovernmental agreement would be needed if making this change. If done in-house, the Township would have more control over operations.
“My biggest concern is proper mowing in fields and ditches,” Cemetery Sexton Chris Doering said. “We have to have it done and done right. We don't want any liability.”
The Township's contract is set up with an automatic renewal for a two year period. The board has 30 days before April 1 to make a decision. "We want to have respect for Executive's owner Brian Hansmeier," Doering said.
The board will hold a special meeting to review related information to make a decision on this matter.
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Trustee Gene Hermann inquired about the practice of using overtime pay to cover vacation time that was never taken, as written in the 2002 Township's employee handbook. Hermann would like to know what led up to the policy being put into place. A recommendation was made to remove it. Township Clerk Kristi Schaffer offered to rewrite the policy.
Gleasman referred to a recent copy of a handbook referring to monthly duties. She read that all bills should be provided to officials at least three days prior to a monthly meeting. All vendors must be paid.
Under the heading of “Best Practices,” questions can be asked ahead of time to avoid using extra time at meetings.
Gleasman urged that the board needs to be involved in all matters and that the handbook needs to be followed.
Williams ended the meeting by reading a positive message written by Elon Musk. Williams followed by saying, “We are all here pulling on the same rope in the right direction; we are all here doing something for the purpose of making this a better community.”