Road reconstructions underway in Roscoe
Discussed: permanent LED lights along the roof and an expansion of Porter Park

The Roscoe Village Board approved two construction undertakings at their meeting on Tuesday, Sept. 6, 2022. Trustees approved an agreement with Rock Road Companies, Inc. for the 2022 Motor Fuel Tax (MFT) Street funded reconstruction of the northern section of IL-251 Frontage Road (North Second Street) for the bid price of $472,949.03.
Also approved was an agreement with Stenstrom Excavation and Blacktop for the reconstruction of the Swanson Park/Public Works parking lot for the bid price of $688,629.33.
Plat 7, in the Prairie Business Center, consisting of two parcels of land (16 and 17), came up for approval. (Prairie Business Center is the commercial area west of 251 and north of Hononegah Road.) However, Trustee Carol Gustafson asked for a document review and requested the parcel be re-platted. Gustafson asked that the issue be laid over until the Sept. 20 board meeting so that documents could be reviewed.
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(Prairie Business Center Plat 1 includes Schnuck's, most of Hilander Village, Beef-A-Roo, and even CVS. Plat 6 includes Starbuck's. Plat 4 includes MercyHealth. Plat 5 is between Plat 4 and 6.)
Gustafson also asked that the board hold off on adopting an amendment to the Village’s Personnel Policy relating the creation of remote work procedures for Village employees.
Four trustees - Stacy Mallicoat, Justin Plock, Tony Keene (remote) and Mike Dunn - voted to approve the remote work policy resolution. Trustees Sue Petty and Carol Gustafson voted against approval, saying the policy could be abused. The policy was approved, 4-2.
The Committee of the Whole meeting followed.
Under new business, All World Machinery Supply Co, 6164 All World Way in northern Roscoe, applied for a pyrotechnic (fireworks) display permit for a private event to be held at the All World site on Sept. 24.
The company already has permits and insurance and a pyrotechnic consultant. However, Harlem Roscoe Fire Chief Don Shoevlin has said the vendors are not licensed properly.
It was decided to send on the request to the Board, contingent upon receiving all appropriate certifications through the fire marshal.
Village Administrator Scott Sanders recommended approving the installation of permanent LED lighting around the roofline perimeter of Village Hall and the Roscoe Police Department.
Sanders said $10,000 was set aside each year since 2020 to be used for Christmas lighting. Trustee Stacy Mallicoat was in favor of purchasing the lights, saying buying the lights now would be more permanent. “We have the funds right now.”
Trustee Gustafson said the lights are too expensive and not really needed right now.
President Szula asked if there was a warranty with the purchase and said he would like to learn more about it. The motion was sent to the Board.
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Sanders reported that the Village received a promised land donation at 9108 McDonald Rd, Roscoe. The land is located across the road from Porter Park. Sanders said there are some back taxes, estimated to be around $1,000 to $2,000, owed on the property. “We need to force it through and pay the back taxes.” Sanders said the land could tie in to Porter Park and could be used for recreational structures or a walking path.
Village Attorney Joe Kurlinkus said paying the tax would be the last hurdle to overcome to obtain the property.
The motion passed with the contingency that taxes would not exceed $2,2000 and sent to the board.
Trustees discussed whether to authorize the solicitation of competitive bids for collection of residential refuse, recycling, bulk waste and yard waste and for billing services.
Advanced Disposal was purchased by Waste Management, who inherited the contract with the Village. The contract with the Village expires Dec. 31, 2022. Sanders said there will probably be an increase in cost with Waste Management
Other municipalities in the area tie the garbage pick up fees to the water bills. Roscoe does not.
Also, Roscoe does not want the responsibility of billing customers.
The issue of going out for bids or re-negotiating a contract with Waste Management will be discussed further at the next Village meeting and at the next Committee of the Whole meeting, Sept. 20.
Village board meetings, followed by Committee of the Whole meetings, begin at 6:30 p.m. usually on the first and third Tuesdays of each month.