No-shave November: Roscoe Police raise awareness, grow beards for breast cancer awareness
While cancer patients lose hair, Roscoe police grow hair in support.

Police officers in Roscoe have been growing beards in honor of Breast Cancer Awareness Month each November for many years. The beard-growing theme ties in to cancer patients who lose their hair during chemotherapy treatment. This year was no exception.
Several officers got into the beard-growing experience; others opted to donate the amount of money typically spent on shaving and grooming a beard.
The Roscoe Police Department team were able to raise $300. On Jan. 23, the check was presented to Joan Kamholz, a cancer survivor and retired Dane County Deputy Sheriff’s officer. Kamholz is the founder of “Justice for a Cure.” The not-for-profit organization is based in Madison, WI.
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The goal of "Justice for a Cure" is to bring awareness, raise funds for research to find a cure, support cancer programs and support cancer survivors in their own communities and to help them as they make their way through their cancer journey.
Roscoe Police Detective Sgt. Chris Wilder coordinated the fundraising effort.
Representing the department were Sgt. Tom Ferone, Office Administrator Jesse Butterbaugh, Officer Edgar Altamirano, Officer Ryan Kelly, Deputy Chief Sam Hawley, Chief Jamie Evans and Joan Kamholz.