New proposed development: 152 townhomes off Roscoe Road
Roscoe trustees will discuss the rezoning proposal on Tuesday, Mar. 1, 2022.

A proposed townhouse development on Roscoe Road was recommended for approval by the Roscoe Zoning Board of Appeal (ZBA) on Wednesday, Feb. 23, 2022. Builder Josh Petry, owner and founder of White Oak Homebuilders LLC, asked the board to rezone the parcel from the CG: General Commercial District to the RM: Multi-Family Residential District and asked for approval of his design review for a "multi-family residential development as part of a proposed Plat 5 of Hawks Pointe Subdivision." Since the 17 acre property is currently unused farmland, the two adjacent lots only brought in $651.16 in taxes in 2020. That revenue is expected to increase significantly if developed.
The Roscoe Village Board of Trustees will consider the zoning proposal and design review during its Committee of the Whole meeting on Tuesday, Mar. 1, 2022, which will follow the regular 6:30 p.m. meeting. Final approval could come at the next Village Board meeting on Mar. 15 at 6:30 p.m.
Designs for the "Townhomes of White Oak," to be built at Roscoe Road and Old River Road, include 152 homes in 38 clusters of four, with detailed landscaping and a retail space that would keep its commercial zoning. On its southern boundary, the development would be adjacent to the Hawks Pointe 2 subdivision. The plans call for the paving of the unpaved northern portion of Hawks Pointe Trail, as well as the construction of a new east-west road between Roscoe Road and Goosedown Drive. The development does not include the existing water tower on the southwest corner, near Old River Road.
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The two lots have been owned by the Petry family or their White Oak Trust since at least 2005. The Petry family has been building homes in the Roscoe area since 1969, including the nearby Denali Heights subdivision. A settlement of longtime disputes between Petry Homebuilders and the Village of Roscoe ended with the developers agreeing to pay money to the Village, which Josh Petry promises will be done.
The ZBA was also asked to approve a design review for construction of a 3,500 SF building addition to the Village of Roscoe Public Works facility at 5402 Swanson Road.
All Village of Roscoe meetings are open to the public, and Wednesday's meeting even attracted a WREX reporter, who quoted Mike Wright, a Roscoe resident and client specialist at Hughes Resources. Wright felt so strongly about having single family units there, instead of multi-family rentals, that he told the ZBA he would help Josh Petry build them on weekends for free.