A new beginning, a new Roscoe Police Chief
Trustees also discussed salaries, road work, zoning, tax abatement, and Memorial Day.

Friends, family, and police and fire personnel packed Roscoe Village Hall on Tuesday, April 4, to witness Deputy Police Chief Sam Hawley become the village’s new Chief of Police. Hawley was appointed and sworn in by Village President Mark Szula.
Hawley’s wife Jennifer completed the ceremony as she pinned the designating badge on her husband’s jacket.
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A special meeting will be held Tuesday, April 11, at 6 p.m. at Roscoe's Village Hall, 10631 Main St., to dedicate and name the Village of Roscoe Police Department building. The public is invited to attend.
Outgoing Chief Jamie Evans and Hawley started their careers in law enforcement at the same time nearly 25 years ago. Both have served the community of Roscoe exclusively throughout their careers.

Keep Northern Illinois Beautiful (KNIB) spokesperson Corrine Sosso announced that April 29, 2023 is National Keep America Beautiful Day and also the date of the Great American Cleanup. The organization is looking for volunteers to help with the cleanup.
Trustees unanimously approved a resolution to go forward with compensation adjustments for certain part-time and full-time employees of the Village. Village Attorney Josef Kurlinkus said the agreement for a 3% increase in compensation will extend from 2023 to 2026.
Trustees also approved a collective bargaining agreement between the Village of Roscoe and the Illinois Fraternal Order of Police Labor Council. The agreement includes officers with the rank of patrolman and corporal.
The agreement is for January 1, 2023 to December 31, 2026.
The Committee of the Whole meeting followed the regular meeting. Final decisions will be made at the next regular board meeting on April 18.
The trustees approved the final plat in the Hawks Pointe subdivision (plat six). A tentative plat was approved at the December 6, 2022 meeting, with trustees Petty and Gustafson opposed.
Ironwood Environmental Inc. was approved to provide asbestos abatement at 10586 Pearl St. for the quoted amount of $4,750. The vacant house east of the police station is owned by the Village and was scheduled to be used for a training “burn” by the fire department.
Village Administrator Scott Sanders discussed the cost and extent of a patching bid package within a budget of $50,000. The goal is to complete full patching of the village street, doing two to three patches per year.
The Roscoe VFW was given the green light to hold their annual Memorial Day parade and ceremony at the Roscoe Cemetery on May 29, 2023. Parts of Main and Broad Streets will be temporarily closed.
Trustees Tony Keene, Mike Dunn, Stacy Mallicoat and Justin Plock were in agreement to a new five-year property tax abatement requested by All World Machinery Supply. Trustees Gustafson and Sue Petty did not agree and requested the issue be laid over for the next meeting.
In old business, Sanders led a discussion on road work in the Village, specifically in the areas of Broad Street, Harrison Street and Chestnut Street. Potential costs was estimated at $2,520,000. Sanders said ADA requirements, which were not factored into the cost, would bring the total to approximately $2,925,000. East and west roads will be done first. Sanders talked about concrete versus asphalt warning strips at each crossroad. It was agreed concrete would be more durable.
Gustafson suggested putting together the options. “If we can afford to do it, why not do it?”
While these meetings were going on, Consolidated Elections were concluding at nearby polling places. As a result, in May, Carol Gustafson will become Village President, while Mark Szula, Anthony Keene, and Michael Dunn will leave the board. William Babcock, Michael Wright, and Michael Sima will join the board. Sue Petty, Stacy Mallicoat, and Justin Plock will remain on the board.