Meet the candidates: South Beloit School Board

Five candidates, mostly write-ins, are running to fill four open seats on the South Beloit school board.

Meet the candidates: South Beloit School Board
Candidates for South Beloit School Board: Jeff Becorest, Ashley Newton. Sherry Hogan, Adam Neblock, Devon Pilz

On April 1, voters will head to the polls in the South Beloit school district and have to choose from five candidates to fill four open board seats. One current board member, Devon Pilz, is on the ballot. Four more candidates are running as write-in candidates, including current incumbents Sherry Hogan, Jeff Becorest, and Ashley Newton. Adam Neblock is a first-time candidate for a board seat. All candidates were sent a few questions to answer to give their constituents some helpful context for this race. We received responses from Ms. Hogan, Ms. Newton, and Mr. Neblock.