Local florist brings blossoms and joy with free flower giveaway
Buckets n Blooms is set to host their first ever Free Flower Giveaway event.

Christina Krupa, owner of Buckets n Blooms, is set to host a generous flower giveaway on Friday, August 16, 2024 from 1 to 5 p.m. This event at her nearly year-old local shop aims to spread joy and beauty throughout the community by providing at least 50 expertly arranged bouquets, each valued between $30 and $50.
"We want people to share the joy and beauty of flowers with others," Christy said. "Come by, pick up an arrangement, and give it to someone you love or appreciate. It's a simple yet powerful way to show you care."
Christy has always believed in the power of giving back. "If I didn't have to work to make a living, I'd always give flowers away," she said. The giveaway reflects her passion for flowers and unwavering commitment to community involvement.
On the event day, attendees can expect to find a stunning variety of floral arrangements ready for pickup. "We'll have all the arrangements on our table," Christy explained. "Just come in, choose the one you want, and take it to gift to someone special. No purchase is necessary. If you'd like to include a personal note, we'll have cards available, too."

The local florist highlighted the importance of arriving early. "It's first come, first served, and with only 50 arrangements, they might go quickly. I wouldn't be surprised if we're cleared out within the first hour or two," she said.
Buckets n Blooms has become a beloved part of the Rockton community as a full-service florist. Christy regularly hosts innovative classes, accessible, informative classes, and creatively collaborates with local businesses. "I love being part of this community and getting to know everyone," she said. "This giveaway is just one way I can give back and share my passion with others." Christy offers a plant class and a flower arranging class every month, and her future plans include more collaborations with well-known names and local businesses.
Take advantage of this first-ever free flower giveaway, a unique opportunity to brighten someone's day with a beautiful bouquet. To stay informed about upcoming events and classes, follow Buckets n Blooms on Facebook and Instagram.