Grandview Subdivision Rummage Sale
Fri May 31 8:30 am, Grandview Subdividion Boone/Winnebago Countyline Rd. Between Elevator Rd. and McCurry Rd. Roscoe IL, 61073
Two-day, multi-family rummage sale. Friday, May 31st and Saturday, June first. 8:30 AM until 4:00 PM. Men's golf and regular clothing and shoes; women's clothing and shoes; children's clothing and shoes; housewares, small kitchen appliances, crafting items, toys and much more. Great buys! Come check it out!! Find the Grandview entrance off the Boone/Winnebago Countyline Rd between Elevator and McCurry, or access the subdivision through The Ledges subdivision via Kiowa Crossing. Follow the signs with the yellow balloons.