Get Real About Drugs: Rescue, Recovery, and Resources.
Wed Nov 17 6:00 pm, Hononegah Performing Arts Center 307 Salem Street Rockton IL, 61072

6:00 - 8:00 p.m.
Our last Fall Hononegah Nations drug education: Rescue, Recovery, and Resources.
Rescue: starting at 6:30 p.m., Amanda Lawrence will be presenting Naloxone training.
Recovery: Brian Knight will tell his journey in recovery and the option of inpatient treatment. Jordan Vold will speak about what MAT/MAR & MOUD treatment/recovery options are. Kinnikinnick Superintendent Keli Freedlund will speak at the end to wrap up the series.
Resources: beginning at 6:00 p.m., organizations in the field of mental wellness and substance use prevention & recovery will present a resource fair
This event is for:
- parents and students grades 3 to 12
- ALL community members
Learn more about avoiding teen addiction.
Get real about drug addiction.
- "That won't happen to my child."
- "It's just a teenage phase."
- "How did we get here?"
- "What could I have done differently?"
Thank you to the Kinnikinnick School District, Keli Freedlund, the Hononegah Performing Arts Center and everyone who is contributing to this great event.