What to know about South Beloit city council candidate Rob McLain


Rob McLain

Rob McLain is currently a Commissioner on the South Beloit Police and Fire Board. He is one of six candidates running for four positions on the South Beloit Board of Commissioners - the city council.

McLain is a graduate of South Beloit High School, with an associate's degree from Rock Valley College, a B.S. Economics from Northern Illinois University and a MBA from Murray State University, focusing on management and accounting. 

He served in the US Army for seven years, overseas and in conflicts. "I always wanted to come back to my hometown," he says. At Northern Illinois University, he was an intern at the City of South Beloit. He currently serves as a business analyst for his family’s company in Beloit, mostly with banking, accounting, and auditing.

McLain and his "beautiful bride Sara" are the parents of two boys, with one grandson now and one to be born in July. McLain enjoys volunteering for several causes.

"I’ve always wanted to give back to my community who gave so much for me growing up as one of four boys, raised by a single mom. I am running to be that voice of the people. I’ve met several people who just feel as if their voice goes unheard and not validated. They need to heard, considered and validated. As a City Commissioner I want to be accessible to listen to constituents, to make South Beloit the type of community that people not only want to live in, but work and play. 

"I want to continue to work to make our streets safe. Currently as a Commissioner on the Police and Fire Board, I have seen the need that our city has and the obstacles it has to climb to keep our town’s emergency services staffed, trained and ready in the event of emergency. South Beloit can be a town that encourages more small businesses."

 As a City Commissioner, McLain "would like to take a deep look at expenditures, to see if there is a prudent way to lessen the burden on the shoulders of the citizens while improving our essential services and bridging the gap with volunteer organizations."

Currently he believe "our expenditures can be reigned in and more streamlined. I would like to see a better permit process for homeowners that want to make home improvements. I would like to take my business and government experience and apply it to my hometown."

As McLain sees it, one of South Beloit's major issues is  being so close to the Stateline. To attract and keep businesses in South Beloit rather than another state, he believes "a commissioner needs to work with our state representatives, senators, and governor to promote reciprocity or some incentive for business."

"I’d like to see more jobs and less taxpayer burden to homeowners."

McLain wants his campaign to make people more aware about local government "where the rubber meets the road." When the population of South Beloit was 7,392, about 620 voted in the last municipal election.  This time, McLain would be ecstatic if over 700 people walked into the polls on April 4th, 2023. When added to the 398 absentee ballots that have been issued, that would result in a voter turnout of over 1,200.

McLain says he is the only candidate with military service. As such, the South Beloit American Legion and  Friends of Rob McLain for South Beloit City Council are co-hosting an Election Watch Event on April 4. But not just for McClain's supporters, he says:"All candidates, community leaders and neighboring friends and communities are welcome to attend." The event will feature live music by RAMI award winning musicians such as Bill and Jim’s Most Excellent Acoustical Adventure, and other special guests that evening. McLain calls it "a night of celebration for the entire community to end the campaign."

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