Clearing the Air

I would like to say how grieved I am over the division in our precious town.

Clearing the Air

I am writing as an employee and regular attender of The Old Stone Church, a mother of 2 young men in this community, and also as a strong woman of faith.

First, I would like to say how grieved I am over the division in our precious town the last couple of weeks, speaking as part of this community and as a local Minister of Music for more than one ministry. Much of my church family and friends have been driven to come together weekly and pray for the families, businesses and public entities in this town. We have prayed fervently and earnestly for all of you.

Having said that, since there has been some incorrect information circulating as to where I and those I love and hold dear stand in reference to the Rockton Pride rally/party scheduled for Friday, July 14th at 4p.m.

We neither support nor condemn the rally/party being held on July 14th at 4p.m. We are willfully bound as servants of Christ to actively love all of humanity regardless of race, status, gender, age or any other defining characteristic. God has called us to love freely and unabashedly and we take that call seriously as members of Christ’s Body. In this regard, we side with Christ Himself, who calls ALL of us to humble ourselves and fall upon His abundant mercy.He IS the definition of Love and each of us seeks to follow His example, not in our own strength but by embracing His. “His mercies are new every morning.” That goes for everyone, not just the people each of us agrees with.

We (my family, loved ones and I) believe we are the hands and feet of Christ and that by the power of His mercy working through and in us we are each given the strength to overcome evil in our own personal lives and also to help others do the same by loving them as Christ does and offering the same mercy He has so freely given to each of us in spite of our fallen state.

While we maintain a neutral stance regarding this upcoming event, I, along with those I hold dear as brothers and sisters in Christ here in this community extend a heartfelt invitation to all of you in the Rockton: Please come together with us as one body and let’s pray for each other. Let’s build community together. Let us practice kindness one towards another, a kindness born of the love of God, a kindness that His Word says; “leads to repentance.” The time for judgment and anger needs to end. It is time for humility forgiveness and the genuine undeniable love of Christ. His love is what makes us whole. We can’t wait to meet you, ALL of you! Please come this Wednesday at 7p.m. Pray and sing with us, just for an hour, at The Old Stone Church in Rockton! Let’s “bear one another’s burdens” and pray for God to heal our town and our hearts. We earnestly hope to see you there!

"Your ancestors have also been taught "Love your neighbors and hate the one who hates you" However, I say to you love your enemy, bless the one who curses you, do something wonderful for the one who hates you and respond to the very ones who persecute you by praying for them.  For that will reveal your identity as children of your Heavenly Father. He is kind to all by bringing the sunrise to warm and rainfall to refresh whether a person does what is good or evil." -Matthew 5: 43-45