Roscoe History: This Week in... 1877


Rockton Herald, Rockton, Ills., Friday morning April 27, 1877

Last Monday, his honor, Esq. Waite, had a pretty lively run of legal business. First in order was the suit of Peet & Keeler vs. James L. Gray, which resulted in a verdict for plaintiff. Next on the docket was the case of four young men arrested in the school building for disorderly conduct. They were fined $2 and cost each, and with a little fatherly advice from his honor, were allowed to depart as it was the first offense. We refrain from giving names as it is hoped the boys will spend their Sunday afternoons in a better way hereafter. The third and last case was an alleged violation of the game law.


Our town is very quiet now, the farmers all busy getting in the crops, as a general thing they are getting along finely, some are done sowing. In the amusement line there was a surprise party at O.H. Jones, or would have been one, if that hired man had kept his mouth shut, however, we had a very pleasant time - the band were along and furnished good music as usual. There is to be a lecturer in the Cong. Church on Friday evening the 27th by Rev. T. C. Easton of Belvidere. His Lectures are always interesting of course he will have a full house 

Farmers around the town are having Fairbanks' scales put up on their farms, this will be a great convenience to them.

Messrs. Park and Jay Simons have been visiting there friends here. Mrs. Dr.  Curtis visiting her daughter at Fulton. Mr. A. D. Lawrence is in Council Bluffs,  Iowa, looking at some property, he thinks of going there for his health. Arthur Lawrence is home again, he has spent the winter in Michigan with J. C. Graves, formerly of Roscoe. 

Mrs. Elliott Tuttle has returned from visiting her parents at Sycamore. 

Mr. Geo. Smith is visiting her sister in Minnesota. So you see that our people take the spring to go visiting. 

We see Mr. Prentiss out on the street again, after having been confined to his house since last September .

The business part of the town for the past few days has been on the creek between the two bridges. The have turned the creek so it runs in its old channel under the low bridge.

Reverend T.C. Easton A.M. of Belvidere will deliver a free lecture in the Cong. Church of Roscoe Friday evening April 27th. Subject: "Rights of Intolerance in our Republic as relates to American education."

All are invited. This lecture was given to a large and interesting audience in Belvedere, and met with great favor at the Boone county teachers' Institute.

That beautiful wall paper at Royden & Son's, have you seen it.

Russia has declared war.

Rumor from Paris that there is a secret treaty between Germany and Russia.

Mr. Fred. Kiddle, a former resident of this place, is in town for a few days.

A great variety of pattern of wall paper just received at.


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