Roscoe VFW hosts annual corn roast


( L to R) Veteran Morrie Buffo, auxiliary members Cathy Suchowski, and Ann Stenberg served and helped prepare brats and hot dogs, potato salad and roasted corn at the annual Corn Roast at the VFW Post 2955, on Saturday, August 31. 2024.

Sweet corn is at its peak in late August. It’s the perfect time to have a corn roast. Roscoe VFW Post 2966 agrees, and has hosted a corn roasting dinner for over 10 years.

On Saturday, August 31, 2024, parking lots in and around the VFW building at 11385 2nd Street in Roscoe were filled with cars from late morning to mid-afternoon.

Families from the Stateline area enjoyed a meal of hot dogs, brats, potato salad and, of course, freshly roasted corn.

Top Die Casting Company in Roscoe donated their corn roaster for the day.

The fundraising event helps raise money for several causes, including $40 grants to provide veteran’s children with school supplies, Hononegah Community High School scholarships and more.

A raffle was held with $2,000 for the first- prize winner, $1,000 second prize and $500 for third prize.

VFW (Veterans of Foreign Wars) provides services. opportunities and support for veterans and their families throughout the United States.

VFW members Gene Mund (l) and John Petersen were in charge of roasting the corn at the fundraising event, Saturday, August 31, 2024. Top Die Company of Roscoe donated the large roaster for the day.
Corn- lovers Betty McWilliams (front center) and the Orris family attended the Roscoe VFW Corn Roast, August 31, 2024.
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