Sergeant Aaron and Kelly Weber recognized for National Night Out leadership


At the August 20, 2024 Roscoe Village meeting, Chief of Police Sam Hawley presented a special commendation to Sergeant Aaron Weber and his wife Kelly, for their contribution to making National Night Out a success again this year. L to R - Chief Hawley, De

Before beginning the Roscoe Village Board meeting on August 20, 2024, village trustees recognized Sgt. Aaron Weber and his wife Kelly for their leadership in once again making this year’s National Night Out a big success. Village President Carol Gustafson said much of the credit is due to the hard work and dedication of Kelly and Sgt. Weber over several years. “The Webers have single-handedly made National Night Out a fantastic event.”

Hundreds of families turned out for the yearly event held on Main Street in downtown Roscoe, August 6, 2024.

Trustees approved a resolution regarding the authorized ranks of the Village of Roscoe Police Code of Ordinances. Trustees voted to eliminate the rank of Lieutenant. The designation rank has not been used for several years. Going forward, the rankings are Patrolman, Sergeant, Deputy Chief and Chief.

Miller Engineering Company will be installing whole building dehumidifiers at Roscoe Village Hall and the Roscoe Police Department. Trustees unanimously voted to approve the resolution, not to exceed $23,460. President Gustafson said the humidity this summer sometimes exceeds 80% in the buildings.

The Committee of the Whole meeting followed the general meeting.

Trustees discussed an agreement with Place Foundry Design to provide design and services as owner’s representative for the construction of the Village’s Main Street Business Incubator project at the intersection of Main Street and Hodges Run.

Design and engineering proposals have been completed by Place Foundry. The next step is approving the bid process for construction on the property.

Place Foundry has also completed design and engineering plans for the Bridge Street multi-purpose parking area behind Velvet Robot. Final approval of construction bids will be selected at the September 3 Village meeting.

A special planning meeting is planned for Tuesday, August 27, at 5 p.m. at Village Hall. The meeting will give Roscoe residents the opportunity to view the design and engineering plans for the two properties.

The next regular village meeting will be held September 3, 2024, at 6:30 p.m. The public is invited to attend.

The Board approved travel expenses for elected officials and staff members to attend the 2024 Illinois Municipal League Annual Conference, September 19-20, 2024. The estimated expenses are estimated at $1,400 per attendee. Village Administrator Josef Kurlinkus will be attending.

The Stateline Disc Golf Association (SDGA) and Outta Bounds Disc Golf Tournament will be held at Porter Park on November 2, 2024. According to Kurlinkus, there have been many disc golf events this year. The sport has become very popular and successful. The village is looking into streamline the permits. The group would like to include use of the Porter Park cabin.

Disc golf is played in the 28-acre field at Porter Park on McDonald Road, as well as across McDonald Road on the 12-acre triangular property.

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