Pastor's farewell at Roscoe United Methodist Church


(First row L-R) Braden, Katrina and Camille Meyers, Kendra and Pastor Paul Meyers and master of ceremonies Brett Lindsten.

A large crowd of church members and friends of Pastor Paul Meyers and his family attended a farewell ceremony on the grounds of Roscoe Methodist Church in Roscoe, Sunday, June 2, 2024. After 14 years, Pastor Meyers and his wife Kendra are retiring and moving to Maine.

On Sunday, June 2, 2024. members of Roscoe United Methodist Church, friends and colleagues from Roscoe and beyond, gathered on the church grounds to honor and pay tribute to Pastor Paul Meyers and his family.

The family arrived at RUMC 14 years ago. All three children - Braden, Camille and Katrina - were educated in Roscoe schools and Hononegah Community High School.

After 14 years as the church leader, Pastor Meyers and his wife, Kendra, a neonatal physical therapist, are retiring and moving to Maine to begin a new adventure.

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