Strong spirits: imagine!


There is so much about Christmas that is mysterious, that demands the use of our imaginations. Just imagine...

  • The creator of the universe, choosing to come to earth as a human baby
  • choosing to be born in the muck and mire of a barn
  • Mary, young as she probably was, giving birth to her first born in such a place, with no mother, no midwife, no help but Joseph. (Imagine how much help he would have been!)
  • Imagine the love that Mary and Joseph had as they looked on their new son.
  • Imagine the irony that their new son was, in fact, Love, that they could not love him if he hadn't first loved them.
  • Imagine their joy, their confusion, their wonder, their exhaustion.
  • Imagine God smiling on them...
  • That Jesus began his earthly life in the muck and mire encourages me to believe he can deal with the muck and mire of my life.
  • That Mary and Joseph had no clue what was really going on encourages me when I also have no clue.
  • That this most joyous of events began with weariness, confusion, pain, and mess encourages me when I am steeped with those same problems.
  • That this rather ordinary event ends with a resurrected Savior and the offer of new life for all encourages me to live by faith and find wonder in the ordinary.

"And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us, full of grace and truth." (John 1:14)

Blessed Christmas to you all!

Gary Schwerin serves as pastor at Caledonia Congregational Church. He is also the Spiritual Development Minister for the YMCA of the Rock River Valley and Executive Director of Bridge Ministries of Rockford. Prior to launching Bridge Ministries, Gary spent many years in leadership with Young Life. His columns appear here every Sunday - subscribe to our daily email so you don't miss any.

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