At the Village of Roscoe public meetings on Tuesday, Dec. 5, 2023, Village President Carol Gustafson will recognize Sgt. Robert Lewis, Officer Greg Yalden, & Officer Anna Podgorny for their recent lifesaving actions at a fire on Clearwing Drive. The Village is also expected to renew 35 liquor licenses for 2024.
At Tuesday's meeting, the Roscoe board will have a first reading for several items, meaning a final vote can be held only if the board votes to suspend the rules that usually require a second reading first. These include the removal of demolition debris at 10561 Pearl Street and a request for proposal for DUI & traffic prosecution.
Other first readings include proposed amendments to the Village of Roscoe Code of Ordinances related to the job of Village Administrator, and a resolution approving the hiring of village attorney Josef Kurlinkus to serve in the position of Village Administrator. Current Village Administrator Scott Sanders has not publicly announced his resignation, and is still helping with Hometown Holidays, which he greatly enjoys. We will report more details in future stories.
At the Roscoe Committee of the Whole meeting, a meeting Sanders usually presides over, trustees will discuss a second draft of the Village of Roscoe FY 2024 annual budget and will talk about getting rid of "certain information technology equipment."
Both the villages of Rockton and Roscoe will discuss the Paid Leave for All Workers Act, which takes effect January 1, 2024. According to the Illinois Department of Labor, the act makes "Illinois the third state in the nation, and the first in the Midwest, to mandate paid time off to be used for any reason... up to 40 hours of paid leave during a 12-month period, meaning approximately 1.5 million workers will begin earning paid time off starting in 2024."
The Village of Rockton will vote on their tax levy and assessment for the fiscal year beginning June 1, 2024 and ending May 31, 2025. They will also vote on a services agreement with Flock Group, which makes automotive safety equipment such as License Plate Recognition (LPR), gunshot detection, and video. They will vote on a parking lease agreement with Tacchi USA, 121 Hawick Street. At the end of the meeting, they plan to go into executive session, which is not public, "to Consider the Appointment of a Person to Fill a Public Office or Vacancy in a Public Office."
More News from Roscoe
- Strong spirits: love all! Our call is to love all - even and especially those with whom we disagree, even our enemies.
- Demolition of South Beloit’s Garden Hotel progresses smoothly Crews have uncovered previous hotel chain logos, asbestos, and Pabst beer cans.