Strong spirits: just one thing...


Photo: PickPik

If you could only share one thought with the people you love, what would it be? What would be the most important thought that you would hope they would both hear and believe? Further, what one thought would God want us to get?

I believe it would be this: he loves us. No matter how much we mess up, no matter how often we walk away, no matter what shape the world is in, he loves us with an eternal, all-powerful, all-encompassing love.

This isn't just my thought. The entire witness of the Bible confirms it, Old Testament and New. God created us in love, loves us fiercely, and desperately wants us to know that, and embrace that. Do you agree?

If you agree, you will believe that, and live as though that were true. Do you? Do I? It will change everything if we do. God loves you. Receive that today.


Besides serving as pastor at Caledonia Congregational Church, Gary Schwerin is the Spiritual Development Minister for the YMCA of the Rock River Valley and Executive Director of Bridge Ministries of Rockford. Prior to launching Bridge Ministries, Gary spent many years in leadership with Young Life. His columns appear here every Sunday - to see them all, subscribe to our daily email.

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