Hononegah High School football training camp opens up Monday, August 7, 2023


Hononegah High School football - Andrea Van Briesen Photography

Kenny Chesney's song The Boys of Fall opens with a line that hits me every fall I have heard it. Chesney says, "When I feel that chill and smell that fresh cut grass, I’m back in my helmet and shoulder pads." I go right to every single preseason football training camp I was a part of as a football player, and the sweat, blood, and laughs with the teammates and coaches.

This Monday, August 7, 2023, Hononegah High School - and all the high school teams across the state of Illinois - open up their training camps. It’s this time plus all the summer training done by the team that builds them into a team. Even though in this modern football era, they train year-round, I believe, I have spoken with some coaches still in the football world who state nothing can replace this time as a team. It's what happens during this time and every Friday night in the fall that will give these players a lifetime of memories.

So if you are lucky enough to drive by Hononegah High School during their preseason training camp (August 7-24), I hope it takes you back to a time in your life with some awesome memories.

Varsity practice begins at 2 p.m. with freshmen and sophomores at 3:25 p.m.

Good luck to all our local teams this season!

Thanks to Andrea Van Briesen Photography and Kenny Chesney's YouTube channel for the images, information and content for the story.

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