Roscoe Gardening Club - Beautiful Biodiversity: Planting Natives to Support Your Garden Ecology

Sat Feb 10 4:00 pm, Roscoe Township Community Center 4562 Hononegah Road Roscoe IL, 61073

Roscoe Gardening Club - Beautiful Biodiversity: Planting Natives to Support Your Garden Ecology
Roscoe Gardening Club - Beautiful Biodiversity

Free. Join Jessie Crow Mermel for a discussion on how to incorporate native plants in your landscape to help support pollinators and other beneficial insects, as well as birds. Discover easy and beautiful plants that are simple to cultivate and introduce to your yard. Learn about local and regional resources to help you get started.

Jesse Crow Mermel is an educator, artist, writer, activist, and gardener living in Roscoe, IL. She is dedicated to restoring the land, weaving community, advocating for environmental and social justice, and reconnecting people to nature. Jessie channels her passion through supporting local organizations. Jesse is an educator at Farmers Rising, a field organizer with Friends of Illinois Nature Preserves, a newsletter editor for Wild Ones of Rock River Valley, and a board member at Nature at the Confluence.

Jesse enjoys leading mindfulness walks and rewinding and restoration days in nature around the Rockford area, as well as exploring the beauty of the natural world both locally and globally.
