Rockton Police Association Blues & BBQ
Wed Sep 6 5:00 pm, Settlers Park 200 Hawick St Rockton IL, 61072

Mark your calendars for the annual Rockton Police Association Blues & BBQ! On September 6 from 5 pm to 8 pm. Activities include:
- FIBS Pulled Pork Sandwiches & chips
- Dairyhaus Ice Cream
- DeeDee's Coffee
- The Mix
- Beer, Water, & Pop
- Music by Mixtape
- K-9 Demo
- Emergency and Military Vehicle Display
- Silent Auction and 50/50 Raf
- Children's Bounce House & Face Painting
- Bean Bag Tournament ($20 cash to play and download Scoreholio App)
The Rockton Police Association is a 501 (c)3 organization and all proceeds benefit the Rockton community and the Jaimie Cox Memorial Scholarship. For more information, contact us at (815) 624-6896 or