Old Settlers Days 2024
Fri Jun 14 7:30 pm, Settlers Park 150 E. Hawick St. Rockton IL, 61072

June 13-16, 2023 at Settlers Park, 150 E. Hawick St, Rockton, Illinois.
The largest fundraiser of the year for Rockton Lions. Enjoy some thrilling carnival rides, sample some delicious treats from our food vendors, and listen to some amazing music from many local bands as well as national headliners Austin Williams, Warren Zeiders, Logan Crosby, PARMALEE, Preston James, and Nate Smith. A General Admission Pass is required for entry for everyone, except those 12 and younger. Main Stage concerts require a ticket. All ages require a concert ticket if attending a Main Stage concert. No refunds. Rain or shine.
Your friends at Stateline Mass Transit District (SMTD) will once again be providing free Park and Ride shuttle service at OSD. This free shuttle service is available between the parking lot at Hononegah High School and the festival’s main gate. The shuttle service is ideal for visitors who are unable to park close to the festival grounds. Festival attendees can ride the free SMTD shuttle for convenience and to avoid parking hassles.