Holiday Tree Lighting
Fri Dec 6, 2024, 4:30 pm, Nature at the Confluence, 306 Dickop Street, South Beloit IL, 61080

Join the City of South Beloit for a beautiful community tradition at Nature At The Confluence! A brief tree lighting ceremony will take place at 5 p.m., followed by a caroling performance. Ongoing activities from 4:30-6 p.m. include a luminary nature walk, family photo opportunities, bonfire and marshmallow roasting, hot chocolate (please BYO mug), and a tree decorating craft.
This free community event will be held at Nature At The Confluence, but PLEASE park behind Dari Ripple on Charles Street. Handicap parking is accessible in the main parking lot off of Dickop Street, behind Papa John’s. We’ll have luminaries to help light your path to the building.
This event is hosted by The City Of South Beloit, Nature At The Confluence, and the South Beloit Public Library thanks to sponsorship from Cornerstone Credit Union. The event takes place at Nature At The Confluence at 306 Dickop St., South Beloit IL. Details and parking map can be found at
You are invited to continue holiday festivities at Downtown Beloit Association’s Holidazzle until 9:00pm.