Hike for Fun and Science

Sat Apr 30 11:00 am, Nygren Wetland Preserve 3714 W. Rockton Rd. Rockton IL, 61072

Hike for Fun and Science

11:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m.

Part of City Nature Challenge Rock River Valley

Nygren Wetland Preserve is known for its spectacular water fowl and dazzling prairie restoration. Take a hike for fun and to support science in the Rock River Valley region as part of the City Nature Challenge. People around the world are taking pictures of nature in their backyard and uploading it to a free and fun app called  iNaturalist. The city with the most posts win! Are you up for the challenge?

Take photos of any kind of nature you can find during your hike and upload the photos to iNaturalist.

NLI staff or volunteer will help show you how to download the app if needed and give instructions on how to take a photo and upload it to the app.

This will be a casual hour-long walk on the trail to look for plants, animals or animal signs, moss, fungi or lichen, and any other organisms you can find to photograph and upload. How many photos can you take in an hour?

The hike will start at the Wildlife Overlook, 3714 W. Rockton Rd., Rockton, Illinois 61072. We’ll leave from the overlook by 11:15 a.m. to start walking east on the Dianne Nora Nature Trail.

Please register for this free hike by Friday, April 29, 2022 by sending an email to Kim Johnsen at kjohnsen@naturalland.org.
