Baking a Home for Our History - Cookie Exchange
Sun Dec 19 2:00 pm, Kelly Myers Park Pavilion 12595 Wilmington Cl Roscoe IL, 61073

2:00 - 3:00 p.m.
The holidays are for sharing with family and friends. This year, share old family recipes with new friends at the Roscoe Township Historical Society cookie exchange fundraiser.
Admission price: 4 dozen homemade cookies/bars plus $10 donation. If you can, include a copy of the recipe (or 4 copies, as cookies will be distributed by the dozen)
No time to bake? $30 donation.

- Everyone gets - 4 dozen cookies!
- If available, additional cookies can be purchased for $7 per dozen
- Please wrap cookies by the half-dozen in plastic wrap or ziplock bags
- Nothing requiring refrigeration is allowed, including cream cheese frosting.
- If cookies contain nuts, please label with the type of nut.
- Questions? Message our Facebook page or email